Select a meeting
Free Meet and Greet30 minutesSelect to book a free Meet and Greet on your preferred day.The Meet and Greet will take place in your home, and is a great opportunity for you to show us where you keep treats, pet food, water, pet medicine etc. We’ll share a little about the company, and you can ask any questions you might have. Additionally, if you decide to choose us as your pet sitters, you can give us keys at the meeting if you’re prepared to do so.
Select to book a free Meet and Greet on your preferred day.
The Meet and Greet will take place in your home, and is a great opportunity for you to show us where you keep treats, pet food, water, pet medicine etc. We’ll share a little about the company, and you can ask any questions you might have. Additionally, if you decide to choose us as your pet sitters, you can give us keys at the meeting if you’re prepared to do so.