Select a meeting
System Deep Dive90 minutesThis is a 90 minute meeting to dive into the details of a system.
This is a 90 minute meeting to dive into the details of a system.
Smartsheet Discussion30 minutes
Smartsheet/Zapier Use Case Discussion20 minutesThis link is use to schedule a short meeting to discuss Smartsheet/Zapier use cases.
This link is use to schedule a short meeting to discuss Smartsheet/Zapier use cases.
Feature Request Meeting15 minutesThis link is use to schedule a short meeting to discuss a feature request with Ross.
This link is use to schedule a short meeting to discuss a feature request with Ross.
Now Pools Call15 minutes
Business Introduction Call (15 Minutes)15 minutesThe goal of this call will be to explore what your company is looking for and if 3DL is your solution.
The goal of this call will be to explore what your company is looking for and if 3DL is your solution.
Business In-Depth Consultation (90 Minutes)90 minutesThis is an in-depth call about all of your current systems and adding gaining context for your business operations.
This is an in-depth call about all of your current systems and adding gaining context for your business operations.
Miscellaneous Meeting30 minutes
15 Minute Screenshare Meeting30 minutes
Zapier30 minutes
Miscellaneous Screenshare Meeting30 minutes
60 Minute Meeting60 minutes
Now Pools30 minutesDiscussion Regarding Now Pools
Discussion Regarding Now Pools
15 minute Call15 minutes15 Minute Brief Call
15 Minute Brief Call