East Simpson

If you'd like to book our Community Room for a meeting of 2 hours or less, we make it available for free for paying customers.

If you are looking to book an event such as a baby shower or celebration, please use events form on the front page of our website.

Select a meeting

  • 2-hour Community Room

    120 minutes
    Paying customers can book our Community Room for 2 hours.

    Paying customers can book our Community Room for 2 hours.

  • 1.50-hour Meeting in ESCC Community Room

    90 minutes
    Paying customers can book our Community Room for an hour and a half

    Paying customers can book our Community Room for an hour and a half

  • 1-hour Meeting in ESCC Community Room

    60 minutes
    Paying customers can book our Community Room for an hour.

    Paying customers can book our Community Room for an hour.

  • Additional Community Room Hours

    30 minutes
    $30/hour for additional hours past the free 2 hours. Can be paid in house at start or end of the meeting.

    $30/hour for additional hours past the free 2 hours. Can be paid in house at start or end of the meeting.