Bringers of Light spiritual mentoring with Vera Kovacs

The calendar automatically adjust to your local timezone.
It is in 24h time format (9:00=9 am. 12:00=noon. 16:00=4 pm). After booking please send me a "Hello" message to Skype or Messenger so that I can see you in my contacts.

Select a meeting

  • BOL spiritual mentoring

    60 minutes
    The calendar automatically adjust to your local timezone.It is in 24h time format (9:00=9 am. 12:00=noon. 16:00=4 pm).After booking please send me a "Hello" message to Skype or Messenger so that I can see you in my contacts.

    The calendar automatically adjust to your local timezone.

    It is in 24h time format (9:00=9 am. 12:00=noon. 16:00=4 pm).

    After booking please send me a "Hello" message to Skype or Messenger so that I can see you in my contacts.